Saturday Night Lights 2020 (canceled)
In light of COVID-19 and our concern for the well-being and comfort of our guests, volunteers and staff, we are canceling the Saturday Night Lights event on March 14, 2020 at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center. Thank you for your understanding and your ongoing support of FCS Foundation.
Join the FCS Foundation for Saturday Night Lights. Enjoy the highest level of equestrian competitive show jumping, live music, food, fun, and more! All event proceeds provide non-medical financial assistance to cancer patients.
Honorary Chairs
Dr. Barry Berman, Dr. Hugo Davila, and Dr. Raul E. Storey
Enter for a chance for 2 on a Royal Caribbean Cruise!
Drawing will be held on March 14, 2020, at Saturday Night Lights.
Need not be present to win.
Enter Drawing
Hotel Accommodations
Special hotel room rates now available. If the group rate is no longer available, prevailing rates may be offered for some or all of your dates.
Make your reservation
What to Wear
Location & Directions
*Sponsorship packages & pricing may be subject to change. Event sponsorship commitment, artwork for ad, logo and payment deadline is four (4) weeks prior to the event. Reservations must include all guest names a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the event, or the Foundation will assume seats are donated. All sponsorships are non-refundable. Foundation events are held “rain or shine.” The FCS Foundation is not responsible for cancellation of certain aspects of an event, including entertainment, due to inclement weather.